Android Auto For Phone Screens is a Free Download on the Play Store
Android Auto is a software program developed by Google that allows users to use their smartphone's screen as a dashboard to control music, phone calls, and other apps. The service offers drivers a safer way to handle their phones while in the car. It can be used to listen to music and podcasts, and it also supports Do Not Disturb mode.
Android Auto is a free download on the Play Store. You can use the program to make and receive phone calls, listen to music, and watch video content. However, you'll need to have an Android 10 phone to install the app. And even if your phone supports the Android Auto program, it's not likely to be compatible with your car's display.
While Android Auto has been in beta for years, it's not currently available on all devices. Originally, the program was designed to be a stopgap solution for drivers. But it has now expanded into a full car operating system. In fact, Ford and Polestar have announced plans to roll out cars equipped with it.
As Google focuses on improving the responsiveness of its apps and services, the company also announced a major upgrade to the connected Android Auto experience. It will include split-screen functionality on all Android Auto displays, which the company says will cut down on the amount of time you have to switch apps while driving.
But the announcement was made without any release date. Eventually, the company will announce Assistant Driving Mode as a replacement.